IT Ticket System Guide

How to submit a ticket in One to One Plus

In order to submit a ticket, go to the url :

Your page should look like this:

ticket portal login page

To log in, select ‘Sign in with Microsoft’, then login using your district email address ( and password.

You will then get taken to the initial submit ticket page, which looks like this:ticket type page

Select the relevant problem type. Once selected your screen should look like this:

ticket submission page

Please provide the following on this form:

  • Problem type – This will be the reason for your ticket. (required field)
  • Description – Please provide as much detail as you can to assist the technician working on your issue. (required field)
  • Related device type– This will not be an option for Chromebooks, Laptops, Desktops, and iPads. This will automatically populate if you selected an asset ID. If you were unable to locate or provide the asset ID, please select the device type.
  • Related device – Please provide the asset ID here.
    • This is the inventory number of the device (ex. LT001800, CB001234)
    • If the number is less than 8 characters long, add zeroes after the letters until 8 characters are reached.
      • Example: LT1234 should be changed to LT001234
    • You must enter at least 3 characters to initiate the search
    • If you cannot determine the asset number of the device, enter it manually in the next text box.
  • Device Name– If you were unable to locate or provide the asset ID, please put the device name here.
  • Building– This will automatically populate if you selected an asset ID. If not, please provide the building where the asset is. (required field)
  • Cart or Room Number– This will automatically populate if you selected an asset, and it is assigned to a location. If this does not populate and you have not provided the asset in the related device field, search and select the device location.
    • Cart locations are in the format: building abbreviation (sh), device type (cb,lt,ipad) location type (cart), and number (10).
    • Room locations are in the format: building abbreviation (sh), location type (room), and number (F111).
    • If you cannot determine the location of the device, enter it manually in the next text box.
  • Room or Cart Number– If you were unable to find the correct location in the please type the room or cart number into this field.
  • Related User– Please provide the user who is involved in the issue or whom the asset belongs to / is assigned to using the drop down. (required field)
  • Collaborator– only use this field if there is someone else you’d like to be CC’d on this ticket and get updates.
  • Files– attach a screenshot or file if applicable.

Once you have provided the necessary information, click submit. This will create the ticket.

If you want to check on the status of your ticket, or if you need to provide an update, you can see this under the Help Desk section on the left side of the screen. Select the arrow on Help Desk to expand this section. Select My Tickets. The My Ticket section allows you to see any ticket that you have created or are involved in.
The Submit Ticket will take you back to the screen to create a ticket.
Your screen should look like this:
landing page my ticket buttons
In order to log out, hit the arrow button in the right corner.

helpdesk logout button