2020-2021 QJHS Return-to-School Plan (Revised 7-30-2020)
Items below in red are changes/additions since the first plan that was released on 7/19/2020
Dear QJHS students and families,
QJHS has made some revisions to its return-to-school plan. These revisions were made with staff, students, and families in mind. It is important to note that this plan may also change as the situation in Adams County and the rest of the State of Illinois develops over the coming weeks.
As we have made revisions, we kept the following in mind:
- Safety of our staff and students
- Importance of “in-person” teaching
- Minimizing the disruptions to the learning process
- Equitable instruction for in-person and remote learners
- Flexibility and adaptability for all potential scenarios
In-Person Learning
With all students and staff on campus, we have over 1500 people at QJHS on a normal school day.
- Each student will be placed in a self-contained Advisory classroom with up to 25 students (regular education) or 13 (special education).
- Students will be grouped according to their math level.
- Honors math is the one truly accelerated course as students are placed in above-grade level courses.
- QJHS has two levels of math honors at each grade level.
- Honors math students will receive math instruction from the math honors teacher.
- Other honors courses: Other honors courses are enriched.
- Students will receive the same instruction but will get enrichment through their readings and assignments.
- Students will be placed within a team of teachers although students may be placed on a different team than the previous year due to their math level.
- Teachers will rotate from classroom to classroom to provide in-person instruction.
- The WIN class within their day or at the end of the day will be used for academic support, read aloud opportunities, retakes, etc.
- Students will receive PE/Health along with computers and/or art on a rotating basis unless they have a waiver for band, orchestra, choir, or Spanish I or Spanish II.
- Band, orchestra, choir, and Spanish I & II will be offered daily for those students who are enrolled in these courses.Students will receive PE/Health along with computers and/or art on a rotating basis unless they have a waiver for band, orchestra, choir, or Spanish I or Spanish II.
- Students who are enrolled in band, orchestra, or choir AND Spanish I or Spanish II will have to take Spanish I or Spanish II remotely with an instructor in the evening.
Remote/Online Learning: QJHS Academy
- Students will take all classes online from home by enrolling in the QJHS Online Academy (simply choose OPTION 2: MY CHILD WILL NOT ATTEND IN PERSON LEARNING ONSITE IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING AND INSTEAD WILL ATTEND SCHOOL THROUGH ONLINE REMOTE LEARNING when registering)
- Each student choosing the QJHS Online Academy will be assigned to an Advisory teacher who will monitor daily attendance, work completion, social-emotional well-being, and serve as the liaison between home and school.
- Students will be enrolled in Edgenuity courses (Math, ELA-Reading & Writing, Social Studies, and Science) online and will not have access to the content area teacher at any time. Students will no longer be streaming into the classroom.
- Students will check in with their Advisory teacher beginning at 7:45 a.m.
- Although students can work at their own pace throughout the day, the Advisory teacher will be available for support from 7:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and from 12:00 p.m.-2:10 p.m. daily.
- Students may transition to the QJHS Online Academy at any time; however, they may only transition back to in-person learning at the beginning of the second semester.
*Students who choose Remote/Online Learning will need to have Internet access and technology required to access Edgenuity and the Advisory teacher for support. Paper copies will not be provided to remote learners.
Focused ELA (FELA) and Math Enrichment (ME)
FELA and ME will not be offered as they have in the past. Students who need academic support will get this during their WIN Advisory either throughout the day or at the end of the day.
Advanced Art
Advanced Art will not be offered this year.
Special Education
Parents of special education students will be contacted via postal mail regarding placement options and IEP amendments.
Parents of 504 students will be contacted by counselors to review accommodations and amend as needed.
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
ADVISORY 7:45 – 8:10 (25 minutes)
1st Hour 8:15 – 8:55 (40 minutes)
2nd Hour 9:00 – 9:40 (40 minutes)
3rd Hour 9:45 – 10:25 (40 minutes)
4th Hour 10:30 – 11:10 (40 minutes) 6th Grade Lunch
5th Hour 11:15 – 11:55 (40 minutes) 7th Grade Lunch
6th Hour 12:00 – 12:40 (40 minutes) 8th Grade Lunch
7th Hour 12:45 – 1:25 (40 minutes)
8th Hour 1:30 – 2:10 (40 minutes)
CLEAN UP & DISMISSAL 2:10 – 2:15 (5 minutes)
Bus Departure 2:17
Morning Arrival
Before leaving for school, parents should check their child(ren) for flu-like symptoms, including cough, chills, muscle pain, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion and runny nose, or any other symptoms as determined by the IDPH or COVID-19.
- Students will not be allowed to enter QJHS before 7:25 a.m. Please do not drop students off prior to this time. Walkers and/or bike riders should not arrive before this time either.
- Bus Riders will enter through the 14th entrance.
- All walkers and drop-offs will enter through the southwest doors off Jersey (closest to the gym).
- Any student arriving after 7:45 a.m. will need to enter through the Main Entrance (off 14th).
- As Superintendent Webb previously communicated, the current plan is that all students will have their temperature checked as they enter the building and bus riders will have their temperature checked prior to coming on to the bus. Students with a temperature exceeding 100.0 will be asked to report to the Nurse’s Office for an additional check. If the temperature remains over 100.0, they will be sent home.
- As Superintendent Webb previously communicated, the current plan is that while in the building, masks or face shields will be required of all students, staff, and visitors. A doctor’s note specifically stating a medical need to not wear a facemask or shield will be required to be excused from this requirement. Visitors will be allowed in the building by appointment only. All visitors will have their temperature checked by security and will be required to wear a mask.
- Start of the Day: Upon entering the building, students will have the option to get a “grab and go” breakfast” (both hot and cold breakfast options will be available) which will be taken to their Advisory classroom. Students not taking the breakfast option will go straight to their Advisory classroom to prepare for the school day which starts at 7:45 am. Students will not be permitted to walk the hallways.
- All students will start their day with a morning Advisory. This time will be set aside for teachers to take attendance, take lunch count, and provide social-emotional support.
Social distancing will be maintained in classrooms to the greatest extent possible. The following measures will be taken to allow for social distancing:
- Eliminate unnecessary furniture in classrooms.
- Students will face the same direction in all classrooms.
- Small group interactions will be limited.
- Teachers will reduce the sharing of electronic devices and school-owned books/materials. Teachers will attempt to place as much material online as possible.
- School supplies or electronic devices brought in by individual students will not be shared with other students.
- Students are encouraged to bring their own labeled water bottle for personal use.
Lockers/Locker Rooms
Lockers and locker rooms will not be utilized. Students in physical education will not need to dress out.
Lunch will be delivered to classrooms daily. The Advisory teacher will monitor students while they eat. Students will have a hot lunch option as well as a cold lunch option (sub sandwich). Students may bring their own lunch. We do ask that no outside food (fast food) be delivered to the building.
Afternoon Dismissal
All students will end their day with their Advisory teacher. There will be time for a staggered dismissal.
Laptops/Bring Your Own Device
As noted above, QJHS will attempt to provide as many materials online to avoid paper copies. We will also attempt to limit the sharing of electronic devices. A laptop or tablet will be recommended for all students in each class daily. If you do not have a device for your student to bring to school and/or are unable to purchase a device, students may utilize laptops from QJHS when available.
Important Contact Information
QJHS Phone: 217-222-3073, Press 4
Dan Sparrow, Principal sparroda@qps.org Ext. 1201
Rick Owsley, Assistant Principal for Student Services owsleyri@qps.org Ext. 1209
Brenda Fleer, Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction fleerbr@qps.org Ext. 1207
Andy Hoskins, Assistant Principal for School Management hoskinan@qps.org Ext. 1203
Leigh Stotts, Administrative Assistant mummeyle@qps.org Ext. 1202
Todd Pettit, Music Director pettitto@qps.org