- Only QHS students and their approved guests may attend QHS dances.
- QHS students and guests will be subject to all security measures, including but not limited to random breathalyzers.
- Guests may not be over 20 years of age or younger than 9th grade.
- Guests must provide a copy/picture I.D. to gain approval to attend the dance and purchase a ticket.
- Students/guests may be required to provide a picture I.D.
- Semi-formal or formal dances will have tickets sold in advance.
- Tickets are non-transferable.
- No tickets will be sold at the door for Homecoming or Prom.
- Appropriate attire must remain on for semi-formal or formal dances.
- Disruptive dress will not be permitted.
- Shirts may not be removed (cut-off t-shirts are inappropriate attire)
- Suggestive dancing will not be permitted.
- Physically aggressive dancing (which may cause injury) is not permitted.
- Public displays of affection are not appropriate.
- Canes or any other accessory that could cause harm will be held at the door.
- Anyone leaving the dance without permission will not be readmitted.
- Any changes from the above must be approved by the principal.